
As Humans, We Are Bound To This Earth By Gravity - We Do Not Fly - And, We Do Not Swim For Long


The Question : "How am I to provide for my family when I am poor?" ... Why am I so poor ... always ? Why are so many of us living in hardship?

The Answer : "Who said that you are to be poor ? ... Who deemed that you are born into poverty ... Who controls your choices to improve your well being; to move out of this hardship and impoverishment ...?" ... IT IS  YOU WHO MAY MAKE THIS SIMPLE CHOICE FOR CHANGE ... IT IS TRUE, THAT THE PEN IS FAR MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD.

Traditionally, it is the state who determines your level of wealth.

It is the state that possesses your birth registry - your certificate. And, it is the state that declares the circumstances through which you may acquire land. How did this come to pass? How does the state acquire the right to regulate land and resources?  ....  Who is the state? ... 3% (200 million) of Earth's population claims 90% of all wealth.

Concentration of richness has established that 0.7% of the global population controls 41 trillion dollars (nearly 3 times the total US debt).

Is it possible that we have been mis-informed? Could it be that I am actually wealthy? ... That I possess land and resources; and, IF I work hard; with honest labour and respect for the land, that I may provide for my family ... that I may be a good neighbour to help others who may be in need - and, that they, in turn, will come to help me IF I should fall upon hard times ?

Perhaps, this is an illusion. It may be that I am too optimistic or idealistic.

But, surely, it is simple logic, is it not?

When I arrived here  ... when I was born ... was it not realistic that I have inherited this Earth upon which I shall dwell ... that I have been gifted with land and resources ... that I shall become a good steward ... to be always thankful ... and, not to be greedy or careless?

And, if I should live out my life within these stewardship boundaries; is it not, likewise, reasonable that I may leave this life here at the end of my days having tended my allotted resources with good conscience; and, shall witness that my family will, with similar respect, continue this ethic ... and, that this good Earth would replenish itself for a very long time to come?

IF I cannot fly; and, I am to live on the land; then, is it not reasonable that - at my birth - I am to be provided with land and resources for sustinence and shelter; through which my labour shall produce goods and services; by which I may enter into trade with others?

I do not see regulations governing the territories for other animals ... Birds do not have birth certificates; nor do we tax their nesting areas.

As a species, we do attempt to accomodate others ... to recognize that the bear shall have habitat; that the fish shall migrate and spawn ... we do not interfere with others needlessly ... until their practices impose upon our territory.